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Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts

Superstar singer Whitney Houston Dead

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston, who ruled as pop music's queen until her majestic voice and regal image were ravaged by drug use, erratic behavior and a tumultuous marriage to singer Bobby Brown, died Saturday. She was 48

Police received a 911 call from hotel security about Houston at 3:43 p.m. Saturday. Paramedics who were already at the hotel because of a Grammy party unsuccessfully tried to resuscitate the singer.
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Why Do Women Cheat?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Cheating is not exclusive to the male sex: women are guilty of straying, too. From dissatisfaction to boredom, find out why we cheat.

Cheating whilst in a relationship is probably the most hurtful thing one can do to their significant other. It ends up not only hurting the ego; it can make someone feel very insecure about themselves. And although there are certain attributes in relationships that may give someone the need to find sexual affection and gratification elsewhere, cheating usually results from a dissatisfaction of sorts.

Personally, I think there are no excuses for cheating, but as my male counterparts always say, “it’s in our genetic make-up to be polygamous.” I guess nowadays, that goes for women too. Maybe even yours.

Levels of cheating

Now while some complain that cheating includes masturbating online and others think that simply becoming close to someone on a mental level is betrayal, for the sake of argument I’m going to stick to the good old definition: having sex with someone besides your significant other.

If you are in a great relationship and want to ensure that your woman, whether she’s your wife or simply your girlfriend, doesn’t stray into another man’s arms, then make sure that you don’t commit any of the following.

The element of surprise is a wondrous and marvelous thing… you don’t have to dress up like Batman, but giving her a soft, wet kiss and spanking her on occasion may just spice things up a bit.

Before I delve into all the things that may lead your woman to find a boy toy, however, keep in mind that there are some women who are just rotten and cheat on men in a serial fashion because they can. And if your current woman has openly admitted that she cheated on all her boyfriends before you, perhaps they weren’t the problem.

You stopped giving her attention


If there’s one thing I can surely admit, being a woman and all, it’s that the female condition makes compliments mandatory, especially when change is involved. If she went from a long haired blonde to a short haired brunette and you didn’t even notice, then perhaps Johnny from the block will be willing to comment on her hair in great detail.


Your ability to pay attention to detail must be honed in a relationship and there’s no better time than the present to do so. Even if there is no change in her appearance, telling her you think she’s hot (even saying it like that) can make all the difference in her day and your romantic relationship.

And when it comes to sex, if you’re always doing the same thing over and over again, chances are she will long for some intrigue and mystique in the bedroom. The element of surprise is a wondrous and marvelous thing… you don’t have to dress up like Batman, but giving her a soft, wet kiss and spanking her on occasion may just spice things up a bit.

Lack / fear of intimacy


If she’s thinking of walking down the aisle with you but you want nothing more than occasional sleepovers, sex included, then chances are she might start roaming for a new candidate. Of course, on the minute occasion that you’re pressuring her into marriage, again, she may seek the comfort of a casual acquaintance.


Communicate. Be honest about where you stand and if you notice that the two of you aren’t on the same level when it comes to commitment, be honest with yourselves and come to a realistic conclusion.

You change drastically


You used to be nicer, now everything seems to irritate you. You used to have a six-pack, now all you do is drink them. You get lazy, you stop trying to impress her and you no longer take care of yourself. Suddenly, the mailroom guy is looking mighty hot…


Don’t let yourself go. Given you are allowed a modicum of comfort in a relationship, that shouldn’t entail a mundane life of Cheetos and beer by the plasma TV. Keep yourself fit, take care of yourself and when it comes to changes in your lifestyle, keep them positive.

Women complain that all men are pigs, but there are a couple of female porkers out there too fellas, and I’m certain you’ve encountered a few in your heyday.

Someone’s giving her more attention


Sometimes women cheat simply because something tempting comes along. Maybe she’s bored, maybe she happens to bump into “Mr. Perfect,” whatever the case, sometimes timing is everything.


Her sense of adventure is restless and starts hunting for excitement. When it comes to a solution, this is a difficult one to resolve. I can tell you to keep the communication lines open, but if she told you that she thought about having an affair but didn’t act on it because she loves you, how happy would that really make you?

You cheated on her


I’ve told thousands of men and women who have been cheated on that perhaps it’s best to move on, and if you’ve ever strayed on your woman, prepare yourself for the worst.

This is not to say that all women who have been cheated on will seek revenge, but most feel as though they have a “Get out of jail free” card in their pocket. And what’s more, some feel the need to make you taste your own medicine.


This one’s easy; don’t cheat. But in the off chance that you already have, and are certain that you will not do it again, you have to constantly reassure her that you’re not up to anything in order to regain her trust. And if you notice that she flirts more often with other guys or starts treating you badly, then perhaps you should consider moving on.

She’s just rotten


Women complain that all men are pigs, but there are a couple of female porkers out there too fellas, and I’m certain you’ve encountered a few in your heyday. You know, the ones always on the lookout for the BBD (Bigger Better Deal). They’re everywhere, and hopefully you’re not dating one.


If you are dating one of these kinds of women, I strongly recommend that you walk away, and if not, then double-bag, my brother, double-bag.

Zip it up

There’s no doubt that people in relationships cheat on each other, and if you want to keep your relationship both monogamous and prosperous, then do your best to keep things exciting and easy.

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Ten Things Guys Notice First

So, what are the things guys notice first?

Ready to sneak one by him? If you know what he’s going to zone in on first, you can take a little extra time and TLC on those areas! Here’s your list of 10 things guys notice first!

1. Luscious Locks
Usually, when a guy sees a girl, his eyes automatically look at her face. And he thinks about whether or not she is pretty to him. But what if his first glimpse of you is the back of your head? Some guys have said that they can tell if a girl is pretty or not just by looking at the back of her head! Wanna know how? Her hair! A girl’s hair is a dead-giveaway on how she takes care of herself and presents herself. Make sure your hair is shiny, luscious and bouncy. Even if you don’t have time to curl it everyday, at least make sure it’s clean and combed out. Your hair should look like it smells heavenly and feels like silk!

2. Perfect Posture
A girl who carries her head high and stands straight and tall sends a message out into the crowd. It says, “Hey, I’m confident, comfortable and sexy. I’m the girl you want to get to know!” That’s one of the things guys notice first about a girl! Just think how someone with slumpy, slouchy shoulders looks. Would YOU want to get to know someone who walked around like they had the weight of the world on their shoulders?

3. Your Friends
Surprisingly, the company a girl keeps has a big impact on first impressions that she makes. You know the statement “Birds of a feather flock together”? Well, it’s true! And in most cases, if a girl has loud, whiny, sassy or rude friends, a guy may assume the same thing about her, even if she attracted him at the beginning. But if a girl seem to have a tight knit group of friends who all seem to be having a great time together, it sends a signal that she is genuine and caring. That’s one of the things guys notice first and love right away!

4. Your Pout
Kissing has been proven to be one of the world’s greatest stress relievers and research shows that most humans spend about 20,160 minutes per lifetime smooching! Wowza! So it’s no wonder that one of the things guys notice first is your lips. Are they soft and smooth? Red or pink? Shiny and kissable? You can bet that he’s going to be wondering that until he finds out, so why not make it sweet suspense? Your lips should be kiss-ready every time you walk out your front door!

5. Perfect Dance Moves
A girl who can dance with the best of them proves a few things: She is confident in her skin, she knows how to have a good time, and she’s not afraid to bust a few moves! Plus, that makes a girl impossible not to notice! So next time you are kickin’ it out on the dance floor, remember that you are being noticed and try to have a good time! Don’t be fake and over-the-top, but do have some genuine fun. Guys definitely notice a girl who is havin’ herself a ball!

6. What You Carry Around
Believe it or not, your purse and other stuff you take with you reveal a lot about your personality! A girl who carries a huge purse full of makeup and other stuff like that is probably pretty high maintenance. A girl who has interesting books or puzzles on hand has a cool personality and loves to learn. A girl with a bright pink phone case is probably bubbly and sweet to be around! A girl with NO purse at all is laid-back, chill and spur of the moment. The girl who carries toothpaste, travel size deodorant and lint rollers is always prepared for anything. And yes, guys do notice these things, ladies!

7. Your Smile
Oh here’s an obvious one! But no matter how obvious or cliche it may be, guys DO notice a girl who smiles. And most of them can tell if it’s real or fake. There’s a few who can be fooled-I always hate it when a super nice guy is stuck with a girl who he THINKS is a princess but we all know her game and it’s not nice. But a guy who is attuned and ready can spot a real smile 5 miles out. So get you some teeth whitener and breath strips and get ready to shine, even on days you don’t feel like it. It’s one of the things guys notice!

8. High Heels
Not that you have to wear high heels every single day, but a girl in a pair of skyscrapers is one thing that guys notice first. High heels symbolize sexiness, strength and boldness. So don’t be afraid to pop those babies on every now and then! Mix it up between heels and flats, but make sure you wear heels at least a couple times a week. You never know when Mr. Right will bump into you! And I always say it’s best to be prepared!

9. How You Strut
A sultry strut can reveal a lot to a guy. Remember in “The Princess Diaries” when Princess Mia got walking lessons? It’s true that the way a person walks has a big influence on how they are perceived. Walk with purpose, style, and grace. Walk like a lady! You don’t need to swagger, or walk like you’re on the fashion runway, but do remember that you are a lady and a man-like stomp will not be cute or sexy to a guy!

10. Your Attitude
Probably the most important thing that guys notice first about a girl is her attitude. A girl can be as beautiful as a sun goddess and as sexy as all get-out, but if she has a bad or ugly attitude, a guy will drop her faster than you can say hello. No man wants to be tied down to a mean witch! So make sure that attitude is in ship-shape, and I guarantee you a guy will notice. I realize we all have bad days, just try not to let the bad days have YOU!

There’s a thin line between being sexy and slutty, pretty and overdone, confident and proud, or sweet and fake. And it takes a special girl to be genuine enough to master that line! Now that you have this list of things guys notice first, you will have it down in no time! Please comment below if you loved my article or have anything to share with us! For instance, what do you notice first about guys?

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Ten Things Guys Shouldn't Ever Do To Girls

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1) Make fun of her hair, face, or clothes. seriously, don't

2) Overuse sarcasm. It's one thing to joke, it's another to speak sarcasm as a second language.

3)Flirt with other girls. It doesn't make us want you more, it just makes us angry.

4) Cheat. Never in any way will you get away with it.

5) Say "I love you" when they don't mean it. If the Girl you "loved" gained 300 pounds,

6) Go to parties or hang out with other girls without your girlfriend. No matter how much she trust you, she will be worried

7) Lie. you will be caught. Don't ever under any circumstances try to keep a lie going with a girl. it will not work.

8) Try to make it look like something was her fault to get yourself out of trouble. It will make thinhgs much worse.

9) Joke about wanting to break up. It wont be taken as a joke, and you'll be single before you can tell her you were kidding

10) tell her she's overreacting. If you thought she was mad before, prepare to meet the she-beast from hell

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Four Signs You Are More Than Friends

Sunday, January 15, 2012

1) Look for Signals

After you’ve realized that you might be more than friends, the next step is to figure out if this feeling is reciprocated. If you are observant, you may pick up on some unintentional signals that may indicate your friend feels the same way and may be open to dating.

Think about how your friend talks about potential romantic partners: Does he refuse to talk about it with you, or is he vague? Conversely, does he talk about women he might date more than he did at the beginning of your friendship? Some people will either avoid the subject or overcompensate if they realize they have romantic feelings for a friend and they aren’t sure how to proceed.

Be on the lookout for how often your friend asks you about your love life. If they ask you lots of questions and seem overly curious, this may be a sign that your friend might think of you as more than friend. Also, if your friend asks you what you’re attracted to or wants to know about each and every relationship you’ve had, this could also be a major sign they like you.

How does your friend act when you are dating anyone else? Are they jealous? Do they think that no one is good enough for you? After all, if they want to be with you, it makes sense they’d see red when thinking or talking about someone you’re dating. In the past, has your friend encouraged you to end things if you brought up any problems you had with a dating partner? They may have given advice that any friend would give, but look back on the tone of the conversation.

2) Sending a Response

You shouldn’t assume that just because your friend gives you a hug or calls you during the week that they are interested. Those kinds of signals can help you decide whether or not to take the plunge, but they are never sure bets. Because of this, you want to proceed with caution before asking your friend out.

If you think your friend does like you in a romantic way, try flirting with them. If they flirt back, this could be a sign that things will heat up in the future. Touch their arm or hand lightly in conversation and gauge their reaction. Also, try spending more time with them in general. Invite them over to watch a television show, go on coffee dates and try talking on the phone, e-mailing or texting them more than you have in the past. If your friend eagerly reciprocates, things might fall into place.

Try dressing up when you’re around your friend. This doesn’t mean you should wear a tux or a low-cut dress to a casual coffee date, but it involves taking more care with your own appearance. A more polished look could encourage your friend to see you in a new light.

3) Broaching the Subject

You may think your feelings are obvious, but your friend may be oblivious. At some point, you will have to bring up the subject, and you must be clear about your intentions and your feelings. If you don’t say that you have romantic feelings, your friend wind up confused.

After you’ve sent your own signals, know that the timing of your communication has to be right. Don’t ask your friend out if they’ve only just broken up with their significant other. You don’t want to be anyone’s rebound. Instead, wait a few months to make sure that the feelings are still there. Once you are confident that there’s no rebound potential, ask your friend out when the two of you are already alone and having a good time together.

When you ask your friend out, know where you want to go. A plan will help your friend realize that you are serious and not on the rebound. The plus side to asking out a friend is that you already know your friend and what your friend likes to do. If your friend says yes, then the next challenge is seeing if the two of you work as a couple.

4) If Your Friend Turns You Down

There’s always a chance that your friend might not think of you in the same way. Your friend might not be attracted to you, or they may have been burned when they dated another friend, and they would much rather keep your relationship the way it is. If this happens, you want to take special care with how you react to this news. Do not run away or keep your distance. Though things might be a bit awkward, if you work through this, you can stay friends.Stay polite and respectful the next time you see your friend. Remember that they may not want to risk losing your friendship. Also be careful when talking about your friend with mutual friends. If you are upset that you were turned down, don’t gossip about your friend because it will get back to them, and you’ll lose the friendship.
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